What our domestic appliances say about our society
An entertaining read with a serious point about cultural assumptions.
Creativity’s bottom line
An interesting piece about the links between creativity, innovation and performance. The language in the first half of the article is rather corporate but the four key practices of highly creative and successful businesses are worth a read.
Organizational Citizenship Behaviours: Definitions and dimensions
This is intriguing, not least about how important language is, what changes when we think of organisational members as citizens?
Employees who feel organizational citizenship will “go the extra mile” out of personal motivation. Identifying these motivations can lead to increased performance and job satisfaction. Expecting or formalising this behaviour can lead to job creep or an unhealthy work/life balance; but letting it go unrecognised may diminish motivation
Building a psychologically safe workplace
Some useful pointers – be in the learning zone:
- Frame the work as a learning problem not an execution problem
- Acknowledge your own fallibility – ‘I may miss something I need to hear from you’
- Model creativity: ask good questions
Isaac Julien: What freedom is to me
Do catch this show if you can, an important celebration and acknowledgment of Julien’s work.
Wysing Arts Centre Open Day – 22 July
A fabulous line up if you will be near Cambridge at the time. Travel from Cambridge station is available.