Friday Selection Box: 24th February 2023

Four-day week UK pilot results

Interesting to see the results from this pilot.

The trial was a resounding success. Of the 61 companies that participated, 56 are continuing with the four-day week (92%), with 18 confirming the policy is a permanent change.

Onboarding checklist for hybrid workers

A useful checklist.

Onboarding has significantly evolved, since many organisations, if not most, have adopted some sort of hybrid work environment. As a result, onboarding must be tailored in a way that optimises the outcome for the employer, as well as fully support and enhance the experience for the new employee.

Re-thinking the High Street

New uses for old department stores are emerging.  Susan’s eye was caught by this one: The Loft in Hounslow

Cathie Marsh Lecture: What the pandemic did to survey research

If surveys are your thing this may well be of interest.

Hear from 4 experts in agencies and government on how the pressures created in the pandemic continue to influence surveys, and where we go from here.

Five insider tips and trends for art world social media in 2023

Digital experts in the cultural field—Alec Ward, Adam Koszary and Chris Unitt – share their predictions for platforms this year.

Spirits, Jinns & Avatars: On Magic in the Digital Age

Dawn is working out how she can fit in a trip to Berlin!

In the face of a dysfunctional social system, characterized by ecological and economic exploitation and the massive per- sistence of colonial structures into the present, the HAU festival “Spirits, Jinns & Avatars” sets off in search of strategies of (re)enchantment, spanning an arc between material and immaterial.