Friday Selection Box: 23rd October 2020

The Practice

Seth Godin has a new book coming out: – The Practice: shipping creative work. Definitely one if you are looking for great, grounded and inspirational thinking

How to Decide

Thinking about how to make good decisions is becoming a big theme in my work (and life).  In the face of uncertainty and what feels like the theft of so much agency, how can I prepare myself to make better decisions?  I really like the approach of Annie Duke, academic and poker player, in her new book called imaginatively How to Decide.

               The only thing you have control over that can influence the way your life turns out is the quality of your decisions.

Politics in the workplace

This article was obviously written with the US presidential election in mind but the advice around how to disagree well in the workplace has a much wider application

Zoom inclusive

Pragmatic advice on how to create more inclusive Zoom meetings. Some of it is common sense but they are the bits that can be easily forgotten. For me the starting point always has to be – do we need a meeting about this?

Hacker Teacher Maker Thief

I heard one of the authors talk about this book on Adobe Max 2020. While the focus is on advertising I think there are things to pinch from it that are useful elsewhere. Interesting ways to think about creativity at a time when so much is being asked of us all.

 Artemisia Gentileschi

Currently showing at the National Gallery, Artemisia was a rebel and a pioneer. As with many women artists she was long overlooked but is now enjoying a resurgence. If you haven’t come across her before do find out more!

In 17th-century Europe, at a time when women artists were not easily accepted, Artemisia was exceptional. She challenged conventions and defied expectations to become a successful artist and one of the greatest storytellers of her time.