Friday Selection Box:  21st May 2021

LEVEL Centre: Artistic Associates

If you’re thinking about your organisational design at the moment, take a look at LEVEL’s approach.

We’re thrilled to be able to introduce you to our first cohort of Artistic Associates for our pilot scheme #LEVELAssociateLab. These roles will form part of our leadership team at LEVEL, and will support our goal in creating an inclusive, relevant, and representative team, who have lived experience of the communities we work with.

Serendipity and unintentional learning

During one of my evaluation projects I was struck by the role serendipity seemed to play and it has fascinated me ever since. This paper is a longer read but makes some interesting points.

Serendipity refers to the accidental discovery of something valuable. Denrell, Fang and Winter defined it as “effort and luck joined by alertness and flexibility” (2003, p.978).

Some new thinking on environmental sustainability

Regular readers of our blog will know that we are fans of design thinking.  The Design Council have recently a new systemic design framework for working towards and beyond net zero.  There is lots of good thinking, not just for designers, but for anyone thinking about the environmental sustainability of their buildings and the experiences that they offer.

BMI.lab, a spin off from the University of St Gallen has been developing tools for working creatively with business models for several years.  Their latest thinking is around the circular economy and the need for new business models that can help combat climate change.

Organising for the future: nine keys to becoming a future ready company

Claire Antrobus drew my attention to this piece by McKinseys following Dawn’s blog on curiosity.  One of their nine organisational imperatives is ‘accelerate organisational learning’.

Aspex: The Sea Changes into Words (Bettina Fung)

Cheeky little promotion to encourage everyone to please get involved with Aspex’s new project.

The Sea Changes Into Words is a durational online performance and text-based game created by artist Bettina Fung for Aspex’s 40th anniversary programme of digital commissions, Aspex (life begins) at 40.


Setting the world alight!

Beautiful work and wonderful making videos from artist Rebecca Vincent