Friday Selection Box: 14th October 2022

The four day week

A new report from the CIPD on how employers view the idea of a four day working week.  Lots to think about.

Understanding Ukraine

In trying to understand what is happening in Ukraine and why, beyond the news headlines, Susan has found the work (books, blogs and videos) of these two historians: Timothy Snyder and Mark Galeotti, very helpful.

Rebel Rebel at the Barbican

A wonderful show from Iranian artist Soheila Sokhanvari that celebrates feminist icons from pre-revolutionary Iran.

How to manage a multi-generational team

A topic I’ve been thinking about for a number of years and that is increasingly being discussed at the moment. I am always wary of generalisations so it is good to see this acknowledged in this piece from HBR.

These generalizations are, for the most part, problematic. Gerhardt told me the first step to overcoming age bias, and developing a mutual respect for one another, is to debunk them.

Viisi: Holocracy through thick and thin

Fascinating example of organising through self-managed and decentralised teams.

…formal equality within the group and, when a manager is required on a specific point, he is elected and chosen by all and always with respect for regular rotation.

Leeds 2023: programme launch

Leeds 2023 has announced its signature projects for next year’s programme. Really delighted to see ‘All that Lives’ and the amazing work of The Grief Series included.

Faces of Fame: G F Watts X Simon Frederick

Thought provoking show at Watts gallery if you happen to be in the Surrey area.

Featuring twelve portraits from Black is the New Black and seven portraits from Watts’s Hall of Fame, the display will re-examine the representation of celebrity, race, gender, class, power and empire, allowing a critical re-evaluation of Watts and explore what a Hall of Fame might look like today.