Friday Selection Box: 13th January 2023

Future signals

Some fascinating stories from nesta about innovations that hint at possible futures including abundant renewable energy, robochefs and green community energy and heating projects.

The Living Standards Outlook 2023

Some great, if depressing, analysis from the Resolution Foundation.

A Better Approach to After Action Reviews (AARs)

A good overview of AARs and some excellent suggestions for making them better. 

The Value of Silence

How often do you get the chance to sit in silence? Sometimes it is valuable to shut out all the noise. And here’s some science stuff on why it’s quiet when it snows.

Artificial intelligence (AI) AOI survey results

The impact of machine learning on creativity is hotly debated these days. It has huge ramifications for all sorts of creative practices, providing both challenges and opportunities. Little surprise that illustrators are very concerned about the proposed TDM (Text and Data Mining) exception.

Respondents were overwhelmingly against to the governments proposed exception, with 97% stating that they were opposed to their illustrations being used for artificial intelligence or machine learning purposes without their permission.  

2022 artnet innovators list

A fascinating selection. Who would be on your list?