Exploring ideas of professional and non-professional artists
Lots of material to think with in a great series of blogs from Francois Matarasso on the differences between professional and non-professional artists
Five principles for thinking like a futurist
A great piece from the Institute for the Future written in March 2019 which offers a good process for thinking about, not predicting the future.
1. Forget about predictions.
2. Focus on signals.
3. Look back to see forward.
4. Uncover patterns.
5. Create a community
Rediscover joy at work
I really liked these recommendations for putting the joy back into my working life; they are simple actions that I find it easy to overlook in the familiar/unfamiliar world of returning to in person working.
1. Build your strengths into your day
2. Focus on your professional growth
3. Share with a trusted colleague
4. Rebuild relationships through work
Cultural sector and HE research
Interesting snapshot findings from research into working with the HE sector. Published by NCACE and Arts Professional
Validation is for Parking
A reminder of the wisdom of Austin Kleon.
Photo London 2021
It’s Photo London weekend. Enough said!