Friday Selection Box: 31st January 2025

Re-framing overheads

A fascinating and very timely report on changing the conversation about overheads from Australia together with some great tools.

Charity Investment Governance Principles

Helpful new guidance on charity investments has just been published.  It is well aligned with the Charity Governance Code and provides clear advice on complying with the Charity Commission’s guidance. There is a great factsheet for smaller charities that invest mainly in cash.


Podcast with Director Stephen Gyllenhaal about his challenging 2023 film.


Another podcast to check out. Thanks for pointing it out to Jo Bushnell, Aspex Portsmouth.

Socks: The Art of Care and Repair

A joyous exhibition from Celia Gym and the NOW Gallery, Greenwich

Take a Breath

Really fascinating show at IMMA (Institution for Modern and Contemporary Art) Dublin.

Take a Breath is a major exhibition that provides an historical, social, political, and personal examination of breathing; why we breathe, how we breathe and what we breathe.

If you ever have something you’d like to see included in our weekly round ups do feel free to let us know!