Friday Selection Box: 15th April 2022

Can’t imagine why some of these have a funding focus this week!

Open and trusting grant making

More of this please – if they’re not already members you might want to mention it to grant makers you know.

Increasing cultural opportunity everywhere

Some thoughtful points from Richard Watts. Do check out the People Make it Work Brokering service.

Leading volunteers through a process of change

Worth attending for the notion of ‘wobbly steadiness’ if nothing else.

What makes a good metric?

Poses some great questions.

The FT’s Robin Kwong has a great tip for anyone thinking about a new metric and the culture it requires around it: Ask yourself how you’d game it. And on a similar theme, David Bauer invokes the always relevant Goodhart’s Law.

Self-managed teams: How scared should you be?

Interesting point about the difference between self-managed and empowered teams.

Aspex journey by dots

Journey by Dots, by Clarke Reynolds is well worth a visit if you happen to be in Portsmouth this Easter. So full of energy. Really thought provoking.