New Year: new voices

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice…And to make an end, is to make a beginning. (T S Eliot. Four Quartets)

As the New Year begins in earnest, it is clear that much is still going to be demanded of all of us. While we had adrenalin to drive us through the first lockdown as we responded to the crisis, I think for many that is now waning. It is time, as Eliot suggests, to find our new words and voices. This is what brings me hope in a time that feels like it has lost all rhyme and reason. I know as a sector we can keep evolving, but that the changes we are facing can only be achieved collectively.

I think this means we need a transdisciplinary perspective. There were some great examples last year of collaborations across artforms, sectors and scales. Let’s keep those going. Collective support is a valuable tool at the moment.

This year will also be about both what we learn and what we unlearn. A lot of 2020 was tough because we were ‘unlearning’ at speed, we may still have to do it fast but we have now had a bit of practice at upending all we might have taken for granted.

Many of the things Susan and I talked about last year like experimenting, generosity, kindness, and compassion remain relevant, if not more so. If I were to offer any advice at this point it is don’t start too full on, take small steps, and build in time for review (this can be just five minutes at the end of the day).

Susan and I will be doing our best to continue to offer whatever support and guidance we can. If there are any particular issues or needs you would like us to cover don’t be shy – do let us know!

Stay safe and well.